We help Startups to Grow!
Virtual Office, Advertising, Promotion and Venture Capital
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Virtual Office
Save money with a domicile in Canton Zug, Switzerland. It enables You to create and maintain a presence in Top Location without the need to pay rent for an expensive office.
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Advertising and SEO-Optimization
The innovative WEB-SET Ads Solution allows small businesses to make advertising with very fair price and to be high ranked in Search Engines.
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Virtual Office

With a Virtual Office you Save a lot of Money and You can focus on Your Core Business

The solution called Virtuall Office allows Startups to have a Domicile in Switzerland with the Best-Price Rate and to Focus to the Own Business!

WEB-SET Virtual Office


With the WEB-SET Crowdfunding you can earn 10% Annually

The solution WEB-SET Crowdfunding is a unique opportunity for investors like you to be a part of something big and benefit from our growth.

WEB-SET Crowdfunding


The Solution for Publishers and Advertisers to generate more traffic and make more sales.

The Targeted WEB-SET Ads solution allows Startups to make advertising with fair & cheap prices, without the use of expensive Keyword Biddings.


Virtual Office


CHF99per month
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Virtual Office

1000.- Bonus

CHF990per year
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Free! Try our network - and you will stick with us

Our WEB-SET Network allow publishers and advertisers to find a solution to increase the sales and improve the ROI (Retun On Investement). Out platform optimize the contextual advertising without Key-Bidding, in order to increase the ROI of advertisers, and the CTR of publisher. Try it now, the registration is free.

FREE Registration